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Cancer Preparedness Training

Cancer Preparedness Training

Cancer is deadly disease which is caused due to uncontrolled growth of the cells and forms a mass of tissue known as tumor. There is loss of balance between cell production and natural cell death which bypass the controlling mechanism of body. Cigarette smoking, tobacco intake, alcohol intake, diet deficient in antioxidants and exposure to UV rays are some of the reasons of cancer. Many cancers are genetically inherited and run in the family because of some gene abnormality or mutation. Any part or organ of body can be affected by cancer cells like lungs, kidney, eyes, heart, brain etc. Persons working in the chemical factories, nuclear reactors, drainage system and mining are more prone to develop cancer. Fewcancer-causingchemical agents are aluminium, arsenic, radon, lead and lead compounds, titanium dioxide, Ethidium Bromide, Cobalt with tungsten carbide, Welding fumes and Indium phosphide etc. Treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, bone marrow transplantation are used to treat cancer in different stages.

  • Majority of the respondents will either dip into personal savings or take a personal loan to finance the cost of treatment
  • In India 2 out of 3 cancer patients get diagnosed in the 3rd or the 4th stage thus, implying higher medical costs with poor final outcome.
  • More than half (56%) of respondents were unaware about the incidence of cancer within their family and friends. 3 in every 10 Indians are likely to contract the disease by 2020. The survey revealed that 65.7% (2 out of 3) cancer patients were detected in the 3rd or 4th stage.
  • The average cost of treatment in a private hospital can vary between 3lakh to 20 lakh or more depending on the particular type of cancer and treating hospital.
  • An alarming 69% of the respondents have no financial aid whatsoever at their disposal to deal with cancer.
  • A scarce 21% of respondents have a specific ‘cancer’ insurance cover to facilitate their medical expenses, as per oncologists.
  • 26% of the respondents would resort to taking a loan to bear the cost of the treatment
  • 31% of the respondents have not even deliberated on the need of a financial plan to fight cancer.
  • Almost 63% of cancer patients admitted to having sought their oncologist’s advice to fund the cost of treatment and consequent expenses.