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Corporate Training

Corporate Training

Recent studies have shown that there is an increase of incidence of medical emergencies and here is no defined place where medical emergencies can strike. It can happen anywhere at any time and when it happens we are not prepared to handle the situation. The first few minutes can change the entire course of survival.

All of you are working too hard and saving a lot for your retirement even when you are not sure that a medical emergency can strike and would interrupt the smooth lives that long to enjoy all the fortune that you have accumulated.

IHSFI believes in “prevention is better than cure” by emphasizing early training programs for school and college students which shall inculcate “Good Samaritan law” which encourages people to HELP strangers who are sick and injured who can turn on to grow as chain of good faith amongst human beings.

First Responder

Medical emergencies can happen anywhere and anytime. This workshop prepares individuals to respond to life threatening emergencies occurring every day

Defensive Driving

This course is a one day workshop which imparts intensive training and management of defensive driving and basic first aid in case of a road traffic accident.

Health & Lifestyle

This course is a one day workshop which imparts intensive awareness about management of health and life style.

Health Ergonomics

Health Ergonomics can roughly be defined as the study of people in their working environment

Trauma Life Support/Triage

International Trauma Life Support is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the education in managing out-of-

Cancer Screening & Detection

Screening refers to the use of simple tests across a healthy population in order to identify individuals who

Basic First Aid & CPR

Medical emergencies can happen anywhere and anytime. This workshop prepares the participants to respond to life threatening emergencies occurring every day

Emergency Responders

Emergency Responders are specially trained personals who respond to medical emergencies confidently before the arrival of healthcare professionals.

Fire Safety & Mock Drill

Fire Safety workshop is designed to create a safety mind and effective fire safety practices at workplace and home.

Advance First Aid & CPR

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Disaster Preparedness & Mock Drill

A catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave occurrence in any area, arising from natural or manmade causes

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