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Road Safety Training

Road Safety Training

More than 10 lakh people have lost their lives in the last 10 years. Annual loss of India’s GDP is 3% due to RTA.

1.5% of road crash victims who died of treatable injuries.

2.74% of Bystanders are unlikely to assist victims of serious injury.

3.88% of Bystanders who are unlikely to assist a victim of serious injury,stated that they were reluctant to help for fear of legal hassles,including repeated police questioning and court appearances.

4.77% of Bystanders who are unlikely to assist injured victims also stated that hospitals unnecessarily detain Good Samaritans and refuse treatment if money is not paid for treatment.


Triage is the process of determining the priority of patients' treatments based on the severity of their condition

Road Safety

Road Safety. In today's world road and transport has become an integral part of every human being.

Defensive Driving

This course is a one day workshop which imparts intensive training and management of defensive driving

Basic First Aid

Basic First Aid combination training quips the participants to develop knowledge, skills and confidence to respond in medical emergencies and help save many lives

First Aid & CPR

Medical emergencies can happen anywhere and anytime. This workshop prepares the participants to respond to life threatening emergencies occurring every day

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